
How to install eso addons without using minion
How to install eso addons without using minion

how to install eso addons without using minion how to install eso addons without using minion how to install eso addons without using minion

  • Map Pins by Hoft - well, this addon will give a list of item that arent in you map and give to the option to show them, for example, if u turn on treasure in the item list and check ur map, itll show all the chests which are hidden in ur map.
  • Set Tracker by Elephant - this addon will show all the items that you dont have in red and the ones you have in green, better if you watch the video below to see it.
  • how to install eso addons without using minion

    Item Set Collection Tracker by Zelenin - this addon will put a RED 'x' on an item if it isnt in your ITEM SETS COLLECTION.(if u have 5 characters and ur in another character and wanna know about an item in ur 4th character, you can use this UI to look it up) Inventory Insight by Manavortex - account wide inventory item searching UI.(for this addon to to work at it full potential all the members in the party must have this installed for the party leader or anyone in the party to check a players damage dealing) Hodor Reflexes by Andy.s - MUST HAVE IF YOU DO RAIDS/TRIALS and a requred addon by trial leaders to check the party memeber's damage.Action Duration Reminder by Cloudor - this will show you a cool duration timer for the skills making it easy for you to see if the skill it ready or not.Fancy Action Bars by Andy.s - this will show you both action brs/skill bars on your screen and the cool downs of the skills in the same screen.Combat Metronome by Darianopolis - Global Cooldown timer visualiser ( you are capped to 1 skill usage per sec in a server so this will visualise it ).Code's Combat Alerts by code65536 - this addon will show if any ENEMY NPC's are trying to 1 shot you by showing a loading bar above your character.BugCatcher by Werewolf Finds Dragon - this addon will remove any errors from screen if any addons arent updated, and stop the addons cluttering your screen.BeamMeUp by DeadSoon - This Addon will help you travel without spending gold, a wayshrine unlocker to be exact.Bandit User Interface by Hoft - Lets you Customise in-game UI ( health,stamina,magicka bars.Auto Category and Auto Category Revised - Inventory Manager.

    How to install eso addons without using minion